Friday, March 19, 2010

Blog Readings

As I read my fellow students' blog responses, I was curious to note that a couple of students applied their growing knowledge to consider how visual rhetoric affects children. Both Camille and Viola noted that visual rhetoric and its impact can begin to 'track' children in institutional settings as well as the home.

Furthermore, Joe's comments about our class discussions and sharing of projects provided me insight to see how our work impacts each other in unanticipated ways. How much we choose to share, or not, creates a different kind of rhetorical response. Visual artists are quite familiar with the critique process, which is often not 'nice' in that context but can be very challenging indeed. I appreciate that we are able to defend our visual representations with a written justification. The critique process in our class is unique in my experience. Generally, like Joe, I like to see what my fellow students are doing and hear their points of view.

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